You Reached $1M in Revenue, Now What? Jonathan J Mentor (Biz Growth) | Successment (Orlando, FL by way of Bronx, NY) | (Season 3: Episode 4)

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Jonathan Mentor is CEO of Successment, igniting revenue for diverse B2B startups with "RevOps".

As a coffee shop barista on the Upper East Side, Jonathan watched countless millionaires leisurely stop by in the middle of the afternoon for frozen lattes and expressos. He knew there was little difference between he and they, and he wanted to know "why not me"

When a chance to work in corporate emerged, Jonathan used this big break to become a top producer. Then he was fired. Hence, Successment was born.

With a proven, data-driven strategy, Jonathan has built Successment into an emerging brand that helps startups go from $1M in annual recurring revenue to $10M in annual recurring revenue.

This isn't your grandmother's marketing firm because Jonathan is growing Successment using "RevOps Science" to unlock your company's additional revenue streams where you least expect it.

In Part I, you'll get to know how Jonathan founded Successment, the ideology that got him here, and the shift from corporate assimilation to living an authentic self.

Why Interview Jonathan Mentor?

  • Jonathan has built a seven-figure business by helping seven-figure businesses. 

  • You'll learn how Jonathan saves companies hundreds of thousands of dollars in marketing and advertising budgets.

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See you insideā€¦

Questions Answered Inside:

1. How did growing up in New York City (Bronx) shape you as an entrepreneur?

2. How did you overcome being fired as a top producer?

3. Where did you get the idea for Successment?

You Reached $1M in Revenue, Now What? Jonathan J Mentor (Biz Growth) | Successment (Orlando, FL by way of Bronx, NY) | (Season 3: Episode 4)
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