What is Social Capital and How Do You Use It? Abraham J. Williamson | (Season 2: Episode 23)

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If you are curious about why some folks seems to get opportunities when others don't, relationships are likely playing a huge role in their success. Because humans are social animals, "social capital" can be just as valuable as money. After all, "your network is your net worth." Learn ways to build and spend social capital in less than twenty minutes.
What is "Social Capital?"

Like other nebulous concepts, folks know it when they see it, but may not be able to define it.

In today's episode I reveal a three-part framework for social capital we can use to expand access to opportunities for others.

Inside you'll learn the 3 "I's" of social capital, what they mean and how to make the most of them.

This is a solo episode with my insights from the week and hope you enjoy.

Go With Canvas, PLLC
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Abraham J. Williamson

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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/abrahamwill/

Diverse Tech Founders

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What is Social Capital and How Do You Use It? Abraham J. Williamson | (Season 2: Episode 23)
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